Facilitators may wear many hats but mainly their responsibility and work is in the following areas.
Creating an agenda that will help you reach your end goal without overwhelming the workshop participants.
Selecting the right tools for the workshop and defining the workshop team set-up.
Aligning the team’s goals with the right sort of exercises and appropriate workshop processes.
Helping the team articulate key ideas by using fitting facilitation techniques and frameworks.
Resolving possible conflict by mediating different points of view and maintaining objectivity at all times.
Making collaborative work feel frictionless by avoiding the usual pitfalls of teamwork like team politics and circular discussions, and making sure every person in the room gets heard.
Enabling teams to do their best work by allowing the team to focus on the challenge at hand instead of worrying about the actual decision-making process.
Planning, guiding, and managing a workshop to ensure a team solves their challenge.
Summarise the process and the outcome of the meeting / workshop.
Get feedback from the participants about the facilitation process and outcome.
Document the process and the outcome, and share it with the participants.