Gathering the Specs to Design and Estimate a Workshop
What to Ask to a Potential Workshop Customer During the Sales Phase
Planning, estimating and pricing a successful workshop involves more than just setting a date and location. It’s about understanding the purpose, desired outcomes, and the people involved.
Let’s dive into the 12 key questions you need to ask your potential customer to gather the specs of the workshop, so you both can have a constructive and effective meeting together.
From budget considerations to logistical details, this guide will help you ensure a productive and impactful specs gathering.
1. Budget
What is the budget you have for the workshop?
2. Date
Do you have an specific date for the workshop? How long will the event be? 1 day? 2 days?
3. People
How many people will be in the workshop? How well do they know each other? What are their motivations and fears? What voices should be included who won’t / can't be there? Is there any red flags with some people that I should know about?
4. Location
Do you have an specific location in mind for the workshop? Where is this happening? How does the place will shape the conversation and the logistics?
5. Purpose
Why are we gathering? What is the reason? What is the story and the context of this workshop? What is our North Star? How does this workshop align with your strategies and goals?
6. Outcome
What do YOU as a sponsor want to get out of the workshop? What do you want the event participants to get out of the workshop? What needs to be different after the workshop? For you the sponsor and for the participants. What are your primary and secondary expectations?
7. Success
What does success look like for you as a sponsor? What does success look like to the participants? Imagine we are at the end of the workshop, and you feel that the day has been a completely success…. what has happened during the day?
8. Output
What is the ideal output of the group's effort? What needs to be delivered after the workshop? Which format and when?
9. Progress
How will you track, measure and make sure you achieve your outcome and goals after the workshop in the weeks / months to come? People tend to be skeptical after workshops, because never or very litte happens afterwards.
10. Pitfalls & Context
What are the risks associated with this workshop? What can go wrong? Did something go wrong earlier? What has been your and the participants experience with workshops earlier?
11. Preparation
What do we need to prepare for before the workshop? What pre-work is required? Do we need to gather and present data / insights? Who will be doing that?
12. Practicalities
What are the logistics for and around the workshop? Materials? Lunch? Transportation? Hotel arrangements? Others?
In this blog post, I have explored the essential questions to consider when scoping, planning and estimating a workshop. From understanding the budget and setting a date to defining the purpose and desired outcomes, each aspect plays a crucial role in ensuring a successful event.
We also discussed the importance of knowing the participants, preparing adequately, and anticipating potential pitfalls. By addressing these key points, we can create a well-structured and impactful workshop that meets everyone’s expectations.
As you gear up for your workshop with your customer, keep these questions in mind to guide your planning process. By being thorough and thoughtful in your preparations, you can ensure a productive and meaningful gathering.
Stay tuned for more updates and insights as you continue to refine your approach.
Let’s make your workshop a memorable and successful experience for everyone involved!
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