I use a Leuchtturm1917 Bullet Journal notebook that is a real beauty to see and a true tactile orgasme to touch and write in.
Every Sunday evening after I have finished my weekly retrospective (more about this later) I open the notebok right after where I finished last time, so I have two open side by side blank pages.
I draw a line in just in the middel of the two pages, dividing each in half, creating 4 different writing spaces.
I move to the next to pages and do the same with a slightly variation. In the last page, I further divide the upper part in two halves and the lower part as well (almost) but with a dotted line.
I go back to the two first pages and in the left upper space I write the week number and dates, and then I continue further with the days of the week.
In week area I write down all the different important tasks (-) I want to do, or events / meetings / appointments (o) I want to attend during that week, which they do not have an specific date or order in the week. The actual behaviour of thinking, reflecting upon, making choices and writing things down in paper does something magic.
After that I do the same with each day of the week, but this time I write tasks and events I want and plan to do or attend that day.
The third page follows the same structure, but the 4th and last page of the week is a little bit different. The place for the weekend is smaller, because you should not be active planning and packing your weekends with too many things. Keep those days rather loose, easy and simple.
The bottom side, is meant to be use at the very end of the week, on Sunday evening to do a easy and quick weekly retrospective: you go back to Monday, go through all the days of the week, ask yourself 2 questions, and write the answers in those two columns.
+ What did I truly enjoy this week? What was awesome? What do I want to remember?
- What was a royal pain in the ass? A f***** chore. Something I really struggled with.
Last in the page right by the light bulb, you write the insights you have had that week after the weekly retrospective.
This is the visual language in BuJo og how you capture things in BuJo
After the weekly planing is done, then is action time.
Every day before going to sleep, I quickly go through the space for the day and plan the day before. During the day I do have my Bullet Journal with me beside my computer or in my backpack so I can easily write down notes (facts, ideas, observations…), new taks and update it with events that I did not plan but happened during the day.
In that way BuJo it is not only a planning tool, but a recording journaling tool of the most important moments that happened in your day.
How do you plan your week / day / life…?
Curious about Bullet Journaling? Watch this short 4 minute video.
Thanks Jose, this is really helpful. 🙌👍🤩
I plan in bursts on top of the regular work planning. When I have to juggle many things in life at the same time, I write each action on a sticky note and stick them on my piano next to my desk (no space for a whiteboard).
Seeing it all written down is already a relief because then I do not worry I might forget something.
I cluster the tasks, sometimes by urgency, by importance, by impact... That changes.
I pick one Must-do item for each day of the following week.
Anything more complicated does not work for me.