2022 was an exciting and awesome year full of challenges 💪🏻, wins🏆🥇, loses 😢 highlights 🎢 , experiments🧪, failures 🤬, successes 🥳 , fun 🤪, craziness, serendipity and plenty of love ❤️
Here are some:
My son Adal was born and now we are a crazy and busy family of 5: my wife Aru, my 6 years old Pau, my 5 years old Emil and my 4 months old son Adal.
I started a weekly newsletter every Friday called “Facili-station” about workshops, facilitation and group social dynamics.
I have coached some teams, leaders and entrepreneurs to find their way forward.
I was invited to the biggest and most important design conference in Norway (Yggdrasil) to run a half day workshop: “Personal branding for designers: How to “design” your dream career”.
I started a private, small and exclusive design leadership mastermind group with some of the most talented and inspiring design leaders in Norway.
I have got tons of love and motivation from “unknown” people in social media (I have in LinkedIn over 19.000 followers), contacting and telling me, out of the blue, how much my content inspired and meant for them and how, sometimes, it changed their lives and career for the better.
I have co-developed and co-authored the syllabus, structure and content of a new formal education on “Service Design” to be launched in 2023.
I leveled up my career and got my dream job in Telenor, and at that time, I was lucky enough to get 7 formal job offers on the table so I could cherry-pick the best one for me and my family.
I became a “black belt” skilful facilitator, trainer and workshop designer aka “workshopper”.
During this year I have meet and worked with lots of really interesting and inspiring leaders, colleagues and people. You know who you are ;-) Thanks for the journey and can’t hardly wait for more together!
I bought and own my very first car (I feel like an adult now!): of course an electric one, living in Norway.
Both of my kids got a school place in a Montessori school, that as a parent, has been a forever dream of mine
Grateful 🥰 and blessed 🙏🏻 to so many amazing and caring people who supported me and my family during this journey!
Thank for all your support and I am sure this new year 2023 will see and face newer challenges where cooperation, team work, innovation, Design Thinking and a human centered approach to solve complex problems will be cornerstone.
Let’s all participate, be change agents, leaders and drive the direction of the future!